High-quality jewelry tools are essential for jewelry making and repair as it not only eases the process for the bench jeweler, but it also ensures the greatest outcome for the piece being worked on, to the satisfaction of both us and our clients. The ability to view the tiniest details and imperfections in gemstones or in precious metal is crucial. For us, upgrading our microscope was at the top of our list for our seemingly never-ending wish list of jewelry tools A well-designed microscope reduces eye strain and fatigue, while the positioning of the stand allows the user to sit upright instead of hunching over, improving posture and, thus, overall health. The enhanced magnification allows viewing of the bottom and top of a piece at the same time, reducing the amount of both labor time and cost. In a jewelry workshop, microscopes are used for a wide variety of tasks, including setting stones, grading diamonds, and appraising value, among many others. Having been in business for almost 40 years while trying to keep up with ever-updating technology, we knew it was time for an upgrade to our microscope, and we are grateful that it is finally here.
We decided on the Leica A60 Microscope Kit with Acrobat Versa Stand for several reasons, including its flexibility, quick refocusing, magnifying power of 5X-30X, as well as its capacity for accommodating a wide variety of tools. Aside from the efficiency that the laser welder brings, this new microscope is one of our most important upgrades as it will only continue to increase the quality of our craftsmanship and customer satisfaction, a major win-win!
Our Newest Jewelry Tool: A NEW Microscope
Why does a brand-new microscope necessitate an entire blog post? Let us count the ways…